I work for a Language Preservation Program and there are times when I look through old photos to add into a design and then I began to realize how valuable and cherished these photos are. I also noticed how they are all done professionally. Take this photo for example...

This is my Coka (Cho-ka, Grandpa) Ernest Ricehill Sr, and his Nani (Aunt) Mary Green Crow. She took care of him and it shows a glimpse of our family dynamic back in those times. I cherish this photo and I have it hung up in my home.

My grandparents raised me and we never got our photos taken and it really saddens me and I wish I would've been more adamant to get them done. The closest photo I have with my grandparents together is this one.

And I had my photographer recreate it at our wedding.

Please take the time and money to get professional photos done. Especially of your older family and relatives, don't be like me and not have one family photo with my beautiful grandparents and my brother.
I have been getting better at this though. Since Justin and I have been together, we do Winter photos and starting to do Fall photos each year. I even made sure I have a nice photo with my dad for our collaboration. I took all of these photos myself.
I will cherish these photos forever. I still have a lot of photos to take within my own family.
My life long goal is to make people realize the importance of family photos.
I will always advocate for people to get professional photos done and get them printed. I forbid to leave behind duck face, filtered photos stuck on a phone for the next generations to come. Someday my great-great-granddaughter will one day cherish my photos as much as I cherish the first photo I shared in this post. It is so worth the time and money to get family photos done.
I offer family photos if you want to book a session. You can also keep an eye on Family Mini Sessions, they are perfect if you just need a couple of photos for a fraction of the cost.