At the young age of two, I knew I had a passion for photography. The End.

When I was 10 years old I had the small skinny kodak 110. I have a couple of photos that I took with it that are very precious to me. I honestly wish that I still had that camera, but to be honest, this little thing shaped me into the photographer that I am today.

Then about 12 years old my dad gifted me with an old Minolta 35mm film camera. I loved it! I took so many photos with it. This was probably my first "selfie".

Then about 14 years old my dad gifted me a newer style camera that had a little zoom lens on it.

I went to Hawaii with that little camera and I have some great photos from my trip. I lost this camera in 9th grade, so I just stuck to my old Minolta camera throughout high school. When I was 18 and graduated high school, I had enough money to buy a Canon EOS Rebel DSLR 35 mm film camera. I have so many good photos with that camera. I'm lucky to still have that camera and used it in my film class when I was getting my associates for photography.
Since then I bought a couple of cute point and shoot cameras. Then when I attended school for professional photography, I used my school refund to purchase my first digital dslr camera. I ended up getting a Canon 60D. I love it, and I still have it, and it still works. I go to thrift stores and flea markets and have bought a lot of cool old cameras, which I do need to unpack and display.

Just recently I've been getting more photography sessions and I felt it wise to purchase a new camera because my 60D is about 10 years old. I bought my first full frame camera, it is a Canon 6D Mark II, it's an entry level full frame camera. I'm still getting used to it, but I'm starting to love it the more I use it. I'm able to control it with my phone and everything, it's crazy. I had a senior photo session and I was able to test it out, and it did freeze up on me twice. I haven't used it much since then, but I hope it was just a faulty sd card.
I'm so thankful for my father to introduce me to photography and have always supported me. He has seen countless photos I have taken and has been impressed. Now I hope I can impress you.